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Safeguarding at The Treehouse School

At the Treehouse School the children's safety and wellbeing is of paramount importance to us.  We have several members of staff who have received enhanced training in order to be 'Designated Safeguarding Lead' in school.


Laura Lee is the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Andrea Turner is the Deputy Safeguarding Lead.  This means that there is always someone available at school should a safeguarding issue arise.


If you are concerned about a child at The Treehouse, please talk to one of the staff listed above or if you feel a child is in immediate danger, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0345 050 7666.


Every member of staff and volunteer at The Treehouse School receives training on Safeguarding throughout the school year.  Staff and volunteers also have to read 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' in order to keep their knowledge current.


Safer Recruitment

Checks are made on all members of staff, trustees and volunteers at The Treehouse to ensure that they are suitable to work in our school.  


Keeping your child safe 

We create a positive ethos and strong relationships so that all children can talk to us if they have concerns or worries.  If your child says something that is concerning, we will make a note of it and deal with it in accordance with our safeguarding policy and procedures.  Usually staff will ask you about this directly - and sometimes there will be a very plausible reason for this.  This is why it is vital that you keep us informed if something happens at home so that we can do our very best to support your child. 

As you would expect, staff will also be vigilant so that all children are safe.



If you have a concern about a volunteer, trustee or member of staff, please speak to...

Laura Lee- Designated Safeguard Lead- 01491 652000

JJane Clare (to be contacted if there is an allegation made against a member of staff) - 07753 678 797

Jo Lloyd- Local Authority Designated Lead (LADO) (in case of an immediate/serious cause for concern) 01865 810603

Meet The Team


Laura Lee

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Andrea Turner

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

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Jane Clare

Trustee Responsibility of Safeguarding

A real understanding of sustainability, nature and environmental awareness is developed.

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